Individual ticket prices

Full rate: 11 €
Reduced*: 9 €
Under 18s and free ticket holders** : Free
*Reduced rate (upon presentation of a valid ID) :
Youth and young adults (18-26), large families and holders of the "Paris Pass Famille", school teachers and librarians, holders of "Navigo-Améthyste-Emeraude" card, members of : la Sauvegarde de l'Art Français, la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français, la Société francaise d'archéologie, la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France.
**Free Admission (upon presentation of a valid ID) :
Youth 17 and under, disabled and their personal care attendant, job seekers and beneficaries of the following income support supplements : RSA, allocation parents isolés, allocation personnalisée d'autonomie et aide sociale de l'Etat pour les réfugiés, city of Rome inhabitants (Paris twin City), city of Paris employees and councillors in activity or retired, professional visual artists with written evidence, Art World professionals : International Association of Art Critics, museum guides, French and foreign curators, « la commission du Vieux Paris », ICOM and ICOMOS members, journalists, art press reporters and federations.
The Paris Museum Pass offers free admission (without waiting in line) to the permanent collections of more than 60 museums and monuments in and around Paris, including the Archeological Crypt in the Notre-Dame parvis.